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  • Writer's pictureMiss Alex

Break the Stigma!!!

Updated: Aug 28, 2020

Challenging times aren't they?? My Heart doesn't want to accept it but the mind (the one with the facts) is adamant on admitting it .It's okay !we will get through this by the Almighty's grace and blessing. But I do get bothered by the "things" happening around me and I suppose you do it . Of course the Corona virus outbreak, has changed what normalcy means to us but I am doubtful whether it has gorged the humaness away from us . We know for sure a puny virus is playing is dirty games and lot of people are getting infected across the globe. And Some of you reading might have already been infected, recovered or some would have unknowingly been carriers who knows (including me).Since Statistically the R° value for the transmission of this virus is really high

it has caused a widespread community outbreak . Especially in Countries like India(my Country) with a huge population living in limited space and limited medical facilities, it is really difficult to manage this situation but we are somehow scrapping through the whole situation especially when the economy is stake.All these might add on to the" list of worries " of an Ordinary Indian citizen. And that's when you unexpectedly get infected with corona virus /COVID-19 .Some of us might just have a fever, a sore throat or body pain or cough/cold or loss of taste and smell etc or some of us might just end up having no symptoms at all and for the ones with Co-morbidities (Already under treatment for a Condition or disease) it may or may not be bad. But, working in a hospital which is now a Covid care centre , this is what I realized after observing, interacting and personally being people infected with covid and the ones working in those area, more than the physical ailments they need mental support to deal with stigma that's associated with contracting the virus. This is the reason why we see headlines like "Famous Chain Sweetshop owner suicides after getting to know he is positive for the virus", or " Lady takes her own life in fear of the covid test results would turn positive " and when it did she tested negative, what a loss for us!! We are loosing people to some stupid stigma, which was the main culprit in creating a society scare. If we don't stop this now, we might loose more due to mental breakdowns than getting infected with the virus. So Let's make it Clear, there are some things that we need to address to the society and remind ourselves.

  1. Getting infected,It's nobody's fault that they are infected. Even of you take every precaution in the world, there might be chances you might get infected(but that doesn't mean you stop doing all that, do whatever you should).Stop pointing your fingers at them. Who knows when we might be one among them??

  2. Isolation period or the Quarantine period might be really weary for most. So even though they are isolated physically, never let them to be isolated emotionally.Check on them, Call them, text them or you can be super nice by sending something nice to their quarantine centre.

  3. Give them hope, Spread positive vibes. Motivate them to engage themselves in activities to forget about their illness.

Specially to my dear co healthcare workers and everyone on the front lines, a big thank you to all of you for the sacrifices you are making to serve our people. We love you and God bless you all. But remember in this fight, don't forget about the most important that's "you", yes yourself, you deserve some selfcare and pampering. It's a request to take care of yourself, eat well, stay hydrated, sleep well, stay connected with dear ones, meditate and to find time to do things that you enjoy.

This is to all :: Also stop looking at numbers for a while and the read the right news and not the ones which shoots your blood pressure and please find Interesting topics to talk about , it always good to have a change from the routine chat that ends us up in thinking we are going to die soon. 😂😂😂Better days are coming.

are all going to die soon.


Miss Alex

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